Class SerialLight

    • Field Detail

      • mBit

        int mBit
        System dependent instance variables
    • Constructor Detail

      • SerialLight

        public SerialLight​(java.lang.String systemName,
                           SecsiSystemConnectionMemo _memo)
        Create a Light object, with only system name.

        'systemName' was previously validated in SerialLightManager

        systemName - light system name.
        _memo - system connection.
      • SerialLight

        public SerialLight​(java.lang.String systemName,
                           java.lang.String userName,
                           SecsiSystemConnectionMemo _memo)
        Create a Light object, with both system and user names.

        'systemName' was previously validated in SerialLightManager

        systemName - light system name.
        userName - light user name.
        _memo - system connection.
    • Method Detail

      • doNewState

        protected void doNewState​(int oldState,
                                  int newState)
        Set the current state of this Light This routine requests the hardware to change. If this is really a change in state of this bit (tested in SerialNode), a Transmit packet will be sent before this Node is next polled.
        doNewState in class AbstractLight
        oldState - old state
        newState - new state