As an open-source project, JMRI software is distributed free of charge. Our licensing terms allow people to redistribute the software, provided they abide by certain simple restrictions. It's not been hard for anyone to understand and live up to those - except one person.
Starting in 2004, Matt Katzer and his company KAMIND used various coercive tactics, some of which we believe are illegal, in an attempt to put a stop to JMRI's work or to extract money from JMRI.
Katzer, through his attorney Kevin Russell, obtained a patent on model railroad technology that other people had developed years before. Using a "continuation" application, they applied for a patent that covered JMRI after JMRI had openly published its code. Because Katzer and Russell didn't describe the prior inventor's work ("provide prior art") to the Patent Office, the patent was promptly issued.
After the patent issued, Katzer and Russell first demanded $19, and later $29 in royalties per downloaded copy of JMRI. We believed that the patent was invalid because of the prior art, and if they had provided the prior art in their possession to the patent examiner, that it would not have been granted in the first place. We told them that (see the page containing this correspondence) Never-the-less, Russell sent Bob Jacobsen, one of the JMRI developers, bills for more than $200,000 on a roughly monthly basis from August 2005 to January 2006.
When that harassment wasn't enough to stop the project, Katzer and Russell contacted Bob's employer and accussed them of patent infringement in an attempt to intimidate Bob.
In March 2006, we couldn't allow this to go on, and filed a "Declaratory Judgment" action in Federal Court to get a legal determination on our rights.
While we sought to hold Katzer and Russell responsible for certain of their actions, such as contacting Bob's employer about the patents, the Court ruled that Katzer and Russell cannot be held responsible for them. Those were removed from the complaint.
On the other hand, we found compelling evidence that Katzer took JMRI decoder definition files and included them in his products, thereby thereby claiming them as his own, in violation of the JMRI license. We've therefore added copyright claims to the case by filing an amended complaint and asked for a preliminary injunction to stop Katzer's misuse of our work. In a motion to dismiss, Katzer argued that we can't use our copyrights to hold him responsible for his violations of the JMRI open-source license. We replied to show that open-source licenses are valid and enforceable. The District Court ruled that Katzer was right, and that we were not likely to succeed on the merits of our copyright claim. We disagreed emphatically with this, for multiple reasons, and appealed the ruling. Our first brief, presented our side of the issue. A strong consortium of free and open source advocates, including Creative Commons Corp, The Linux Foundation, The Open Source Initiative, The Software Freedom Law Center, Yet Another Society (Perl Foundation), and The Wikimedia Foundation, filed a "friend of the Court" brief supporting out position.
On August 13, 2008, the Appeals Court ruled entirely in our favor, vacated the District Court's decision, and remanded the case for further proceedings.
In the Fall of 2008, there was another round of motions. After a hearing on December 19th, the Court issued a mixed ruling. We still didn't get an injunction, but the Court did require Katzer to finally (after years!) answer our complaint. That answer came with a Katzer's counterclaim for $6 million, for using phrases from QSI manuals to make the decoder definitions Katzer copied! Katzer had bought the rights to a QSI manual from QSI for $500 so he could do this. Clearly, this is just another of Katzer's depradations that we had to fight.
In addtion to all that, Katzer also improperly registered one of our trademarks, DecoderPro, as the domain name "". The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has ordered it returned to us, and wrote an entire section of the order on "Katzer's bad faith". We think it's important to have the Court order Katzer not to repeat this type of misbehavior against JMRI or anybody else, but the Court originally told us to remove the corresponding cybersquatting section. After a series of motions, the Court has allowed us to include it in our Second Amended Complaint.
In early December 2009, there was a hearing on Summary Judgment motions that will decide many aspects of the case.
On December 10th, 2009, the Court ruled on both sides' motions for summary judgement. The ruling was a very positive result. Some highlights, in the order they appear in the decision:
After an extended series of settlement discussions and conferences, the case finally settled in February 2010.
The settlement agreement, which is now a legally-binding contract signed by both sides, accomplishes several things:
In the past, Katzer has told people that we've copyrighted manuals that others wrote, or trademarked terms that belong to others. Neither of these are true, and we've shown in Court that Katzer has no evidence for his statements. To prevent there being any uncertainly about this, the agreement explicitly states that we're not talking about anything from the NMRA or other manufacturers.
This injunction is important. We consider his misuse of JMRI's domain name and the decoder definition files to have caused significant damage to JMRI, and this injunction makes it clear that the Court will not allow it to happen again.
The goal was to make sure that this dispute really is over, and won't rise from the grave like a zombie that has to be fought over and over again. Katzer has said that he just wants to move on and put legal disputes behind him, and this provision is aimed at making sure that's what happens.
As a matter of fairness, Jacobsen extended the same release to Katzer.
If anybody really does do something wrong, this provides a way to deal with it, while making it riskier and more difficult for anybody to try to make spurious claims.
Despite generous support from over a hundred people, the costs defending against Katzer over the last six years are significantly more than 100K$. (Things like court reporters for depositions, travel expenses, and expert witnesses have to be paid for, and it adds up very quickly.) Katzer's payment gets us part-way back to where we would have been if all this hadn't started in the first place.
To be sure, he has had significant costs of his own, and he has to pay them too.
Although this doesn't entirely cover our costs, we believe this is the best we could do at this point, and there was no certainty that going to trial in June would result in a damage award large enough to offset the large additional costs of a trial.
Sometimes, the best you can do is the best you can do.
This is not air-tight, in that it doesn't extend to e.g. future patent complaints about future patents, after the next 18 months. We believe that we've still got a very strong position on those, as Katzer stated in Court that JMRI didn't infringe any of his existing patents, because Katzer's ongoing chain of patents actually document the same set of inventions, and because quite a few people have helped us accumulate several file drawers of strong prior art to defeat future patents.
It's very hard to craft an agreement that constrains all possible future behavior, so in the end you have to trust that the people making the agreement are going to live up to the intent of it. As Henry Stimson said, "The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him", and that's what we're doing here. We believe that this agreement has the right structure to motivate everybody to just work on their own stuff without getting into fights, and that it's fair. We're going to trust Katzer to approach it on that same basis.
We could not have reached this point without the help of the hundreds of model railroaders who have contributed money, time and knowledge to this effort, the open-source advocates and organizations who have worked on the legal effort, and particularly without the huge efforts by Victoria Hall, David McGowan and the other lawyers who have worked on this over the past six years. We'll have more to say about this later, but the message for right now is that we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
Despite reaching this point now, we still need people to
to help pay for legal expenses.
JMRI gets no commercial revenue, but we're still 10's of thousands of dollars
in debt because of all this legal maneuvering. Anything would be greatly appreciated.